#author("2020-07-30T18:56:27+09:00","","") #author("2020-07-30T18:59:01+09:00","","") *Harami-chan Trivia [#y69f0661] **Overview [#t218b31c] -Wikipedia is the first port of call (Japanese site) --[[Wikipedia>https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%8F%E3%83%A9%E3%83%9F%E3%81%A1%E3%82%83%E3%82%93]] -Refer to the news articles featuring Harami-chan (Japanese sites) --https://qui.tokyo/media/haramichan-interview-191214?utm_source=tw&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=haramichan-interview-20191214 --https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/646fbebf8cb329dfbdf59ec4a4188a505732a35b --https://www.barks.jp/news/?id=1000169466 --https://article.yahoo.co.jp/detail/f30ba6fdd9e6464cb9ff483010be6895f7160b48 --https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/6e408a07081a60d3f8947c31813163fbfdf15dd6 --https://www.tbsradio.jp/499389 ***Personages [#x3664873] -Harami-chan is a ''pop pianist'' based in Japan. --She hopes everyone enjoys the piano more. She wants it much closer to us. --For that purpose, she often goes out to play the street piano. --Her job is not YouTuber. --Her job is not 17 Live streamer. --Harami-chan's sayings = [[Saying]] --Switch-san = [[Game]] --She is right-handed (Thought she was left-handed? Check where her hair parting line is). --She always plays by ear, therefore has not bought sheet music. (except the ones for classical music) --She can play any song she has heard of, therefore doesn't know how many songs are in her repertoire. --In order to brush up a song, she does thorough research on the original song structures, the intention of the songwriter, and the historical background. ---[[YouTube streaming of her practice scene>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU6YUsWV_c4&t=4223s]] <- She said it was a "relaxing" practice, although it does not look like it. --Her blood type is O. --Her age and height are not disclosed (and asking them is a strict taboo, according to her). -Piano --She has YAMAHA at home. --She often has diffuculty finding a piano that she can "comfortably" play, as her matching criteria seems strict. --She's therefore training herself to be able to play any street piano. --She enjoys encountering with a variety of street pianos. -Usami-chan (hybrid of Usagi (rabbit) + Harami) = Pink rabbit, as seen in the icon of her YouTube main channel. -Warumi-chan (hybrid of Warui (bad) + Harami) = Blue rabbit, as seen in the icon of her YouTube sub channel. -Nezumi-chan (hybrid of Nezumi (mouse) + Harami) = Limited time appearance on Apr 1, 2020 only --https://twitter.com/harami_piano/status/1245375488626835457 -Busami-chan (hybrid of Busai (ugly) + Usami) --Usami-chan in Minecraft created by Harami-chan for the first time. --https://twitter.com/harami_piano/status/1248522005776707585 -Akami-chan (hybrid of Aka (red) + Harami) = Her keyboard ([[Nord Electro 6 HP 73>http://www.nordkeyboards.jp/products/nord-electro-6/index.html]]) --Used also by Hiromi Uehara whom Harami-chan highly respects. Thus she bought it. -Maikoh (hybrid of Maiku (mic) + Ko (diminutive suffix indicating a woman or child)) -Maikoh (hybrid of Maiku (mic) + Ko (diminutive suffix for a woman or child)) --It's a mic with an uneven temper ([[SHURE PGA48>https://www.shure.com/ja-JP/products/microphones/pga48]]) --It was named while waiting for the start of her YouTube live streaming on May 6, 2020. --It's a kinda mic which performs better when it's praised. --It occasionally headbutts Harami-chan's teeth. -Staff --Harami-chan's Senpai (former senior colleague). --He films and edits her YouTube videos. --He grooves when she plays "YAH YAH YAH". --He's the judge of the intro quiz taking place during her live streamings. --He loves ONE PIECE. -Jijimi-chan (hybrid of Jijii (grandpa) + Harami) --Harami-chan's grandpa. --Harami-chan and Jijimi-chan are very close. --He makes a sudden guest appearance on her live streamings when she's playing groovy songs. -Babami-chan (hybrid of Babaa (grandma) + Harami) --Harami-chan's grandma. --She made an appearance on Jun 29, 2020 during live streaming celebrating Harami-chan's first anniversary. Extremely rare character. -Mamami-chan (hybrid of Mama (mom) + Harami) --Harami-chan's mom. --She's a good cook. //-おにいちゃん //--プロカメラマン //-ワンちゃん //--お気に入りの曲を弾くと歌う //-プリン //--[[ポムポムプリン>https://www.sanrio.co.jp/character/pompompurin/]] //--[[実はマラカス>https://twitter.com/harami_piano/status/1250723029123870721]] //--意外とフットワーク軽い //--一番大きいのは、プリンパジャマを着たハラミちゃん //-お米さん(おこめさん) //--ハラミちゃんのファン //--ハラミ肉と相性が良く不可欠なものとして、ハラミちゃんが命名 //--入会資格は無くハラミちゃんのピアノが好きなら、お米さん //--ハラミちゃんとお米さんの総称をハラミ丼とも言う //--派生ネーム //---子米(こまい)ちゃん = 子供のファン。パプリカ踊ってくれる。 //---米娘(まいこ)さん = 女性のファン。ひな祭りイベントで女性を騙るエセ米娘が大量発生した //---新米(しんまい)さん = 新しいファンの方。お米さんが優しくしてくれる。 //---古米(こまい)さん = 古くからのファン。 //***ハラミちゃんバリエーション [#x1fe8c02] //-カクミ //--ネットの調子が悪くて映像がカクカクすること //-ツラミ //--困ったことがあった時のハラミちゃん //-ハラミ先生 //--#ハラミが届ける元気曲 プロジェクトで弾いた曲の解説してくれる //--実は、ハラミちゃんは本当に教員免許を持っている //-テツミ //--「ハラミが届ける元気曲」では、曲の解説をしていた。 //--曲への思い入れが強く、ついつい哲学を語りはじめるハラミちゃんのこと。 //--そんなハラミちゃんも、お米さん達は大好き。 //-ベタミ //--生配信直前にヘアオイルを服にこぼして凹むハラミちゃんのこと //--油はとらないのが正義だと開き直る //-デコミ //--自宅で前髪をちょんまげに結ったスタイル //-テカミ //--曲の解説に力が入りすぎて顔がテカテカすること //--恥ずかしがるとさらにテカテカしてくる //-ガテミ //--ピアノ弾き過ぎて帽子なくなったので、グッズのタオル巻いた //--ラーメン屋さんみたいになった(ほとんど売り切れ。ハラミ定食はたくさんあった) //--ガテン系のハラミちゃん